scarfing the panels

Looking forward to working in the downstairs workshop.  I put a wide sawhorse under the panels being joined, put down a layer of plastic, and then primed with a coat of epoxy, then followed that with a slightly thickened batch of epoxy with silica added.  A piece of mahogany weighed down with paint cans and water bottles will hold the panels while the epoxy sets up.

Outside in the garage, I finished laying out the forward bottom panel.  Will cut tomorrow and splice into the other bottom panels.  Scarf will be 2" for an 8:1 scarf.  Pretty simple.  tough part will be cleaning the garage to make the second scarf joint.  

When I took this off the "press" both corners did not seat well.  It took a few minutes with a belt sander and then a follow up with a little fairing compound to get a nice smooth filet.  Front side was fine.  Back side a little messy.  On the second attempt, I clamped the mahogany board down on each end and already see an improvement.  Nothing a little filler cant fix.   The second panel yielded the same results.  I believe that my mahogany clamp is not flexible enough to get good pressure on the edges.  

Forward panel is scribed and ready to cut.  

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