
June 18, 2015
Attaching the coaming has become an obsession of sorts.  I want the coaming to go all around the cockpit and provide an aestheticly pleasing line as well as a functional drip control.

The method was to steam the 1/4" plywood and then bend.  I broke the first few pieces necessitating a trip to get more plywood $$.  Then, decided to soak the wood, wrap it in a towel and then bend one piece at a time.  When I tried to do two corners at once, things got dicey as the wood did not want to bend and took on a reverse curve inwards towards the boat.

Recipe - soak overnight, wrap in towel, steam for 40 minutes, bend VERY QUICKLY. It loses pliability within 5 minutes of being removed from the steam.  SUCCESS!

Overlap at centerline will be trimmed to flush and a decorative trim piece placed over it.  Coaming will get shaped and then molded to 3" wide in general (except 2.25 where the coaming is flush with the deck.
ces will be trimmed to shape this weekend.  With the trim going flush where the skipper sits, then rising again across the stern deck with enough clearance for the tiller.  Steam box set up could use more steam, but I got it done with patience (and a little perserverance).

The wires only served to make black stains of the wood,  use small blocks of wood to hold the work up off the bottom.  I did find the wires helpful to hold the door shut and make the box smaller or larger as needed.

Nice!  forty minutes of steaming and work fast!  Later on I placed a block of wood at the end on the right and bent it into place quickly.  This would be better with a helping hand!

Sheet rock screws work, but later on I put the screws into a plywood pad first, which creates a much smaller hole in the work. 

Work in progress. 

This works, but is a little anemic.  A larger pot, and larger hose would help a lot.  The box does retain the heat and steam with the wooden doors and towels placed over each end.  Dont use the wires to hold the work up, it stains the wood.  a few blocks of fir accomplish the same thing.

Coaming has been fitted and can be glued up tomorrow.  What a struggle as I miscut several pieces, cracked a few, and then put the scarphs on the wrong side of one plank.  But, it looks nice.  I still have not cut down the areas where I know I will need to hike out as it looks real nice at this point in time.  I dont have the heart to cut it where I know it will cut into my butt while sitting on the rail.  perhaps a seat cushion will do!  Thinking that I might use the boat, then make decisions for modifications.


It came out nice.  The only issue I had was where some paint lifted off the deck.  Primer is stuck well, but the top coat lifted from the primer where I had put down packing tape.  I am thinking that the tape sticks too well in the warmer weather, or perhaps I have used tape that was too good.  Gotta fill screw holes and sand, sand, sand.

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